Been a busy few days with work, but I’ve managed some wordcount!

Wordcount: 2371 (includes some history notes)
Accomplished: Nonhle gets browbeaten by a king. Lots of editing, including pulling a magical vanishing act with a wolfhound.

“You don’t approve, do you?” she asked, keeping her voice low. “Of me making a run for the throne.”

Father took a deep breath and wiped his hands on the drying cloth. “The Phoenix Court has killed everyone I loved, except for you. The crown eats its own, Ceris. I thought you were dead, when I heard that the Front was destroyed. And now…” He hung the cloth over the back of a chair. “You’re my only child. I will always worry about you.”

She stepped over to him, slipped under his arm. He was still taller than her, even now. “I know.” For so long, it had been mostly the two of them, with her mothers blowing in and out of her life like a string of summer storms. Father had been the one she could rely on, the one who would pick her up and kiss her skinned knees, who she came to when her heart was broken.

For a moment, she remembered his face as it had been the day he had found her sitting next to the body of her mother. She banished the thought from her mind—or tried, at least. It didn’t bear thinking about, not now.

“I will be careful,” she told him. “As much as I can.”

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