In a lot of ways, this year was a shakedown cruise for me in my new role running communications for Clarion West. I took on a lot and saw it all through, with help from our staff and many volunteers. I learned a bunch of things, and I did have a really good time meeting and hanging out with the Clarion West class of 2014.

I didn’t quite make my writing goals–partially because I tossed out my entire first chapter, and partially because I just plain old ran out of steam in the last couple of weeks. My sponsors, however, are still getting their cute talking-animals novelette (and so can you, if you’d like to sponsor me!) You can sponsor me through the end of August.  Clarion West is really close to its fundraising goals–please support the workshop and the community.

Sponsor me now!

(I managed to catch a cold on the last day of the workshop, so I am lying low for a few days to recover. My writing brain is starting up again, but we’ll see how that goes.)