
“Furled” is one of my favorite words.  I love how it feels in my mouth, all of the connotations of wings and petals pressed tightly against each other, waiting.

Right now, it’s spring, and everything is beginning to unfurl.

1503_wildernesslake_005For me, it’s a good thing when days are mostly the same—routine is a lifesaver for me, the thing that happens when all is going well.  I’m working on 7Red, about three quarters of the way through the first draft, and getting to the point where I’m grabbing guns off the mantelpiece willy-nilly and tossing them all at my characters. From the missing mentor to the fact that I had a scene where my (very gentle) protagonist revealed the extent of her training in violence, it’s all starting to come together at last.

It’s going to be a busy spring, I fear, and then the Season begins and I’ll barely have time to think, let alone write, for about three months. (Totally worth it, by the bye.)

I am going to be trying to blog more often, however. I miss doing it, and it’s a good way for me to keep a record of time as it flows by.