bright spinning days; long endless nights

First of all: apparently I didn’t note it here, but This Wanderer, in the Dark of the Year went up at Clarkesworld in June. Someone on Twitter said that it was “the queer journalist first contact story you didn’t know you were waiting for,” which I think is one of the nicest things someone has ever said about a short story of mine.

Things continue apace: the days are short and the nights are dark and endless, I’m starting the agent hunt, a good friend is coming to stay for Christmas, and another good friend had the cutest baby in the world a few days ago. I’ve just finished the first draft of a new story set in the world of The Phoenix Crown (that I wrote expressly for a particular editor and I hope he likes it when I send it to him) and am working on a new book that will probably be called The Saint of the Splendid Bullfrog. Saint is a book near and dear to my heart, because its origins are in my Week 2 story for Clarion West.

I also have a few short stories in the editing pipeline that will be going out early next year, I hope.  I have a story in an upcoming anthology that hasn’t been formally announced yet, which I’ll post about once I have more details on it.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone, and welcome the return of the light*!


*if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere