Wordcount: 1038
Accomplished: Nonhle gets to be miserable in a cage for a couple of hours before disaster strikes. (I’m going back and filling in some missing scenes, most of them from her POV.)

She shook herself out of the memory and rubbed her hand across her eyes. “I don’t suppose I could trouble you for a cup of water,” she said to the woman who huddled by the fire.

The woman snorted. “Pretty manners for a dead woman. Where’d you get them?”

“I was born on the plains,” she said, and cursed herself. She always reverted back to the manners she had been taught as a child when she was afraid, as she was now. The people of Matinne favored a more direct approach. “Water?”

“Suppose I can’t begrudge a dead woman a drink. Here.” She reached down next to her and picked up a clay bottle. “Beer. Better than water.” She set it down by the cage and returned to her seat, picking up a stick up stir the fire with. She did not look at Nonhle; it was as if she had abruptly ceased to exist.

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