I got some good writing time in today…and I managed to wrap the arc of the draft!  I have a bunch of scenes still to write, but today I wrote the last line of the last scene.

Wordcount: 1308
Accomplished: a confrontation with an old friend/enemy.  Explanations. It’s not a happy ending, but it’s the closest they can come to one.

Ceris closed her eyes for a moment. She thought of Ulla, the perfect civil servant; no ambition but to serve her prince, no needs or desires of her own. Waiting and watching for the day that she would have an opportunity to become someone—something—else.

And Grieth. Her second in command. Also biding her time, subtly guiding Ceris down the road that led here, to the throne room. The Thousand had helped put them here; they would surely want a favor in return.

Always, always, the shadow of Lynnis and Idris over her. She had carried her mother’s shade within her, but even without that, she had always been in her shadow. She knew, now, why Idris had done what she had, why she had killed herself to give Ceris her Bright. Idris Royenne had never been one to accept defeat lightly.

We make our own fates, now.

Her voice was a whipcrack in the throne room, and for a moment it was as if her mother’ voice overrode her own. “The Queen has spoken. Leave, before I am forced to enforce her desires.”

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